TekBox Big TEM Cell (TBTC3)


This TEM cell is great for radiated emissions and immunity pre-compliance testing and troubleshooting on your desktop.

It won’t give you absolute measurements as you’d find at an open area test site (OATS) or in a semi-anechoic chamber (SAC), but it’s great for several things:

  • Fast radiated emissions troubleshooting. Make relative measurements to verify the improvements of PCB and/or component changes.
  • Compare the emissions performance of parts from several vendors (again, relative measurements).
  • Feed in a signal from a signal generator (via a small RF amplifier) to generate significant field strengths. This is great for radiated immunity pre-compliance testing and troubleshooting.
  • Compare emissions and immunity performance of different PCB revisions

Chances are that this device can save you many expensive days in a 3rd party test lab.

All TEM cells are supplied together with a 50Ω/25W RF termination, a DC block to protect the spectrum analyzer or RF receiver input and an N-Male to N-Male coaxial cable.

The TBTC3 is the largest TEM offered from the TekBox range.




EMC Pre-Compliance Testing Guide

Weight 21.5 kg
Dimensions 113 × 59 × 24 cm
Frequency Range

0.3 MHz – 730 MHz

Dimensions (L/W/H)

103.8 cm, 50.1 cm, 30.5 cm

Max Input Power (W)


Septum Height

15 cm